5 Secrets of How to Cure Your Acne Breakouts

Millions of teens and adults alike have had some form of acne at some point in their lives. It is a very common occurrence, and each type of acne that exists affects a different cross-section of people. However, what is important in every single case is finding a reliable acne treatment so symptoms go away quickly and without all that much hassle or expense.
Depending on the severity and type of acne a particular individual is suffering from, there may be several unique remedies and techniques which they can use in order to cure acne breakouts fast.
Finding out how to cure acne naturally and quickly isn't all that difficult of a task. The true difficulty is with ACTUALLY getting rid of acne breakouts, as opposed to just talking about how easy it is to do.

What Most "Experts" Won't Tell You

Although there are dozens & dozens of so-called "acne treatments" hitting the market every month, getting rid of this skin problem has not gotten any easier. Why is this? Because, unfortunately, a lot of home acne treatments & remedies just aren't nearly as "effective" nor as "fast acting" as people make them out to be.
Truth be told, you simply can't rely on using just one acne cure to do the job -- you need to use multiple remedies and various kinds of acne treatments if you wish to have a legitimate chance of clearing away acne and keeping it at bay for the long term.
Clear Your Acne Breakouts With These Easy Natural Remedies...

1. Baking Soda Skin Exfoliant:

This is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of acne there is. All it involves is a damp rag with baking soda liberally applied to it. The rag is used to rub the skin gently for about 5-10 minutes, after which time the skin is rinsed off and towel dried. Must be done regularly for a few weeks.

2. Egg White Mask:

Many people use beaten egg whites as a facial acne mask. The mask is applied to the face for about 15 minutes, then it is washed off and the skin is GENTLY patted dry with a soft cloth. Eggs have potent healing properties (due to the protein contained within) which makes this a great method for healing and clearing away acne. This is by no means an overnight acne cure, so don't get upset when you find out you have to use this technique for a matter of weeks before the effects begin to show.

3. Anti Acne Diet Plans:

Yes, it is possible to lessen, if not completely eliminate, your acne troubles with food. The key is knowing which foods help -- i.e antioxidant rich, fiber packed, protein loaded, vitamin soaked, healthy fat filled foods (that was quite a mouthful, wasn't it?) -- as well as which foods are really, really BAD for acne; i.e. sugar loaded, preservative packed, salt soaked, unhealthy fat filled foods.
I could go on and on about anti acne diets and their benefits, but I've already done that on another page. Go to my Anti Acne Diets page to find out more.

4. The Oatmeal Cover Up:

As opposed to cooking it for breakfast, the oatmeal is cooked, allowed to cool, and then it is lathered onto the skin to make an anti-acne facial mask. Allow the mask to sit for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it away with warm -- NOT HOT -- water. Gently dry your face with a paper towel or soft piece of cloth.

5. The Aloe Vera Rub:

If you happen to have Aloe Vera plants at your home (or know where to get some), then you've already got yourself a super powerful treatment for clearing acne. If you don't have the plant, well, then a simple aloe vera lotion should suffice. This acne treatment is done simply by rubbing the plant (or the lotion/cream) directly onto the skin.
The "juice" from the Aloe Vera plant helps to reduce the visibility of acne spots and acne scars. More specifically speaking, it helps to heal the skin, to protect it, and and to make it softer and smoother. In addition to actively treating and getting rid of acne breakouts, aloe vera is also an outstanding preventative measure too. There's a reason that aloe vera is recommended for treating all sorts of skin conditions -- it WORKS!

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